There is this place off of Buford Highway I frequented (pre-Celiac Disease) a place called Tofu House. Some of you out there might avoid it because it looks shady, the "Korean Waffle House," but there was nothing better than going at 11pm for some fabulous Korean food. I loved snacking on Kimchi while watching the old Korean guy watching the news in a language I didn't understand or read; I made conjectures about the other assortment of people who braved Buford Highway at unusual weeknight hours in the dim fluorescent lights of the restaurant. The last time I went there was not too long after my diagnosis, when my immune system was waging a war against my intestines. I definitely lost the battle of late-night Korean spare ribs VS immunology. So, it's been 5 long years since I've had Korean food.

My dad's girlfriend is a wonderful Korean woman. She is a walking ray of sunshine, and has brightened my father's life since they met. A few months ago, Dad's girlfriend, bored from her short stint of retirement, bought the restaurant on the first floor of the office building my father works in. He's been a regular since then. Dad's girlfriend was delighted to know my father loved Korean food, and couldn't wait for my boyfriend and I to join them for dinner at a restaurant she used to work at in Marietta. Tonight was the night.
I was very nervous- I've been burned a few hundred times by Asian restaurants who swear up and down the

re is no wheat or soy in their food; however, I really trust Dad and Kim. For dinner I had a fried flounder (fall off the bone divine), and the normal assortment of Korean dishes set on the table (kimchi and sprouts being my favorites). I usually know pretty fast how the food is going to go over, and thus far I have felt flawless. I was so happy to spend time with Dad and Kim, finally meet her adorable grandson, and enjoy delicious Korean food with my honey.
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