I've been stressed about being so far behind on school work, and super busy at work. Honestly, I haven't really spent a lot of time getting excited about going out to a birthday dinner. Jamie leaked we were headed for sushi at work last week. Nick told me on Friday night we were going to MF Sushi. When Saturday night rolled around, I hurried to get ready. I tried to hurry Nick out the door, thinking we would be late in picking up Melissa and Cindy, and late to our 8pm reservation. When I walked up to Melissa's door, I had the surprise of my life. I was greeted by a cloud of feathers and a crowd of my friends yelling "surprise!"

They threw me a G-F party! (It might have been Melissa's best party yet.)
Nick cooked lamb chops and chicken on the grill, brought the prosecco, and brought Pizza Fusion's brownies.
Melissa made baked potatoes and a fabulous Greek salad.
Aden made his award-winning cookies.
Jamie made an amazing chocolate cake. She decorated the house with posters, giant paper chickens, various anti-gluten signs, and streamers (with the help of Cindy and Mike).
Cindy also help make me a beautiful princess party hat.
Ali, Jason, and Matt brought Strongbow.
Lee brought goat cheese and G-F crackers.
Sarah brought hummus, guacamole, and blue corn chips.
Sammy brought a bottle of Malbec; LeeAnne brought Merlot.
All of us lived Sammy's dream of a big group taking a shot all at the same time.
Here is what I wrote to my friends, the best friends a girl could ask for:
"I spent some time last week thinking about the 25 year milestone, and thought about how I am coming into my birthday week as the happiest and most successful I have ever been. I am surrounded by a great family, group of friends, and team of coworkers. My best friends have seen me through some of the hardest hurdles in my life (winter 2006), and some of the best times of my life (present). They love and support me, just as I do them. They have shown me the greatest loyalty. To celebrate my birthday, I envisioned an ideal night out to dinner with a group of friends, ending with all of us going home happy (and slightly buzzed). I never imagined that I would open Melissa’s door to find a gluten-free surprise party with 20 or so of the people I care most about in my life. That was truly the best birthday I have ever had. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart.
PS – I cried the whole way home because I was so amazed that so many people would be at one place in one time for the sake of celebrating my birthday. Really. (Ask Nick.) "
Best Party Ever!
Liv, I'm so glad it went well. Sarah told me about it the night before!
Thanks, guys! Sarah thought I might have a clue the day of, but I totally didn't. :)
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