It's 4th quarter of the Georgia Tech VS Iowa game. Teams studying tapes over winter break? Check. Fans prepped with appropriately colored gear and witty signs? Check. Perfect playing conditions provided by Miami's eternally warm weather? X! It's 48 degrees in Miami. I guess that beats either state's weather- it's 28 degrees here and even colder in Iowa. While I'm routing my boys on from the comfort of a fleece bathrobe and my couch, they and the oranges are trying to stay warm in Florida.
I live in the South for many reasons, but mild winters definitely play a big part. I'm really not a big fan of frozen conditions. How does everyone else beat the cold? Here are a few things I remember people telling me over the years about staying warm:
Ryan in WI - high 17 low 1 - swears by wool socks and boots
Tiffany in NJ - high 29 low 22 - hot cocoa, layers and avoiding the outdoors
Isaiah in NH - high 26 low 19 - cuddling with someone nice
Crystal in MA - "layuhs" and scarves
Kim in GA - high 32 low 19 - 2 pairs of socks, a mattress warmer, and hot tea.
If my dogs were participating, they would add they would add snuggle time. Carmen is enduring trips outside with sweaters. My layered, scarf-wearing, tea drinking self would l

ike to add hot soup to the list. The leftovers from the soups I've been making are life-saving for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I'm loving tea. I'm drinking Ghirardelli hot cocoa in rice milk after dinner. I'm thinking chili must be in the cards for this weekend of NFL playoffs. Layered fan gear, warm socks. Maybe instead of (GF) beer we'll drink hot cider or Irish coffee...
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