The rice nog sat for a few weeks on my kitchen counter. It was going to be disgusting, I just knew it. I refuse to drink rice milk by the glass, so why would anyone want a glass of holiday flavored rice milk? (Well they wouldn't, naturally.) When we packed up some GF goodness to tote down to Florida for Christmas, I stuck my Rice Nog in the bag. I thought it would be entertaining to make everyone try it and see their reactions to its strange flavor.
While in Florida, I had fo
rgotten about my liquid novelty. The day after Christmas morning, I remembered it just in time for breakfast. I made Nick's parents and grandmother try it with me. Much to my dismay, the Rice Nog was awesome. It had a creamy texture uncannily like milk, with hints of holiday flavors (cinnamon, nutmeg). Not only was it great by the glass, the Rice Nog was also amazing in coffee. The joke was on me.

I am heart broken that Whole Foods was out of the Rice Nog last week. I really want more! I might have to see if I can make some.
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