Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter, Part 1

It's been a whiles since I've posted. Yes, I've been busy. I also thought about just not blogging anymore. Yet here I am. We're just back from church. The flow of our day goes something like this: we woke up, tired; I rubbed the brisket, got ready for church; we stuck the brisket in the smoker, ran out the door; went to a crowded church service at St. Jude's. Somewhere amidst the singing and burning frankincense I came to.

Once we exited church stage left, we hit up Dunkin' Doughnuts to consummate our Lenten desires. Nick bought two doughnuts (his Lenten sacrifice), and I bought a cup of French vanilla coffee (just because). We sat at a table munching sweets, he his doughnuts and me my peanut butter M&Ms (I gave up chocolate) in a satisfying silence. As we enjoyed, a mother and her two boys came in. The older boy came in for a doughnut saying "I've waited 40 days for this." Nick and I smiled to each other and finished our indulgence.

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