Thursday, January 12, 2012

Willy's at GSU

I feel like Georgia State is much cooler now that we have a Waffle House and a Willy's in the bottom of the new science building.  Willy's didn't have the GF info posted (or not posted where I could easily find it), so I emailed them.  Here is their response:

"Thank you for your interest in Willy's! Willy's prepares fresh food items

in its restaurants daily and has made adjustments to its recipes to be MSG

and gluten free.

With the exception of the flour tortillas and our cookies, everything on our

menu is now gluten free.

However, it is possible that cross-contamination can occur from the

tortillas used in the steamer and on the cutting boards. To help prevent

cross-contamination, please tell the manager that you are ordering a gluten

free meal and ask that they change gloves before handling your food. There

is a high risk of cross-contamination from the steamers, some utensils and

the gloves if they are not changed prior to making a gluten free item they

use at the counter.

We hope this is helpful and you'll keep coming back to Willy's!"
...and now I am full of burrito bowl and very happy.  :)