Monday, August 16, 2010

Mellow Mushroom Goes GF

When my GF Pizza staple by work folded, I was pretty sad.

Skills Day is an annual event at work for nursing staff. Nurses and techs do their annual skills check-off for the year. If you are an attendee, it takes 1-2 hours. If you are teaching it, is a 15 hour day followed by a 5 hour day. I helped out with the "round two" teaching, from 3-9pm on Saturday. It might not be an ideal way to spend a Saturday night, but I didn't find it too bad.

On Saturday, we all shuffled into the hospital. Since we were teaching from 3-9pm, we planned to order out. Conveniently, another nurse educator, Mickey, has Celiac Disease. We called up the Mellow Mushroom down the street from work and placed an order for *gasp* GF pizza. Our GF pepperoni with extra sauce was great! The crust was thin and pliable, not crispy or chewy. Mellow Mushroom will be my delicious replacement for nearby GF pizza now that Pizza Fusion has folded.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It folded??? I was just thinking about Pizza Fusion and our date there so long ago!!